Mission Trip to Malawi, Africa

"Do you have black mamba in Malawi?" asked the visiting  evangelist from US. "Of course, we have a lot of them, I even  killed one near our house," said Jack. The evangelist asked,  "How about church?"

"There are many churches, but none like ours where there is  good bible teaching. You should come and start an assembly  in our village." responded Jack. Read More

Mission Trip to India

The purpose - Life Transformation and Multiplication. It is God who brings about Life Transformation. It can happen on a mission trip by God giving participants: a vision for ministry outside of USA, an awareness of the huge need and ministry opportunities in India, a burden to pray for India, and opportunities to minister in various contexts. Multiplication is also the work of God. Read More

Pacific Garden Mission & Elmhurst Nursing Home

At New Life Bible Chapel we envision to minister to our community as the prime opportunity to show God's love. Our goal is to outreach to as many souls as possible in the Chicago land area. We have partnered with Pacific Garden Mission and Elmhurst Nursing home to make ourselves available to illustrate the greatest commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourselves". Read More

According to the documents of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, the Biblical authority for missions begins quite early in Genesis 12:1-3, in which Abraham is blessed so that through him and his descendants, all the "peoples" of the world would be blessed. Others point to God's wish, and to help people believe and have faith in God.

In this view, the early historical Jewish mission is that of being a people placed in the midst of the other nations, situated so that they could proclaim the Creator God that blessed them. This view is confirmed in many OT scriptures, (for example, Exodus 19:4-6, and Psalm 67) as well as the nature of the temple (its outer court was "the court of the gentiles").