Sunday Worship Service

At NLBC, we meet every Sunday morning to worship God the Father through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ and by the enablement of the Holy Spirit. As the early Church did, we gather to continue steadfastly in the apostles, doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers (Acts 2:42).

The central focus of worship is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord said, If you love me, obey my commandments (John 14:15). As an expression of our love and worship, we obey His blessed ordnance to remember Him and His sacrificial death and resurrection through the Breaking of Bread. The worship service opens with singing, call to worship, thanksgiving, praise, prayer, reading and meditation of Bible passages, and is consummated by partaking of the Bread and Wine. We believe in the priesthood of all believers, therefore all saints are to worship the Lord. The brethren (men) are encouraged to audibly participate (share and pray) during this time. After the Breaking of Bread, an offering is taken as a thanksgiving for God's blessing in our lives. This offering is used for different ministries of the church and for the furtherance of the work of the Lord around the world.

A coffee break is intentionally scheduled to meet members and new comers and to have fellowship with one another which is a sweet time for all.

NLBC is known as a singing church and has a vibrant group of gifted singers and musicians who use their talents for the glory of God. Our youth actively participates in ministry.

There is also a testimony time during which prayer requests and matters for thanksgiving and praise may be shared.

NLBC believes in the supremacy of Scriptures in all areas of a believer's life. Therefore we give great emphasis to the teaching and preaching of the Word of God. We are blessed with godly men who are able to challenge us with life changing messages which motivate and exhort everyone to walk closer to God and to serve Him according to the plan and purposes of God for each individual.